Music Workshops in Nashville Hosted by Google

YouTube Music Workshops In Nashville
I was forwarded a great piece of information from the Tennessean this morning by my ever-so-cool wife. It’s a story by Nate Rau. In it he writes about the information he received from the folks at Google who are planning to have workshops in Nashville specifically for the music industry. The workshops will apparently concentrate on the features artists should take advantage of using YouTube.
I agree that these workshops are needed. I still run into independent artists all the time who don’t take advantage of this great technology and way to get music out there to the masses. I have emailed the YT Music folks and hopefully I will see you at one or all of these workshops. If you need help in the meantime getting your YouTube accounts loaded up with great music content, feel free to contact me directly and I will help you out.
Here is the link to the article: